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Oracle DB administering [46]
Oracle DB programming [15]
Oracle DB troubleshooting [11]


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    Приветствую Вас, Гость · RSS 06.02.2025, 18:21
    Главная » Статьи » Oracle DB » Oracle DB administering


    JPA 2.0 Cache APIs

    JPA 2.0 provides a set of standard query hints to allow refreshing or bypassing the cache. The query hints are defined on the two enum classes CacheRetrieveMode and CacheStoreMode.

    Query hints:

    • javax.persistence.cache.retrieveMode : CacheRetrieveMode
      • BYPASS : Ignore the cache, and build the object directly from the database result.
      • USE : Allow the query to use the cache. If the object/data is already in the cache, the cached object/data will be used.
    • javax.persistence.cache.storeMode : CacheStoreMode
      • BYPASS : Do not cache the database results.
      • REFRESH : If the object/data is already in the cache, then refresh/replace it with the database results.
      • USE : Cache the objects/data returned from the query.

    Cache hints example

    Query query = em.createQuery("Select e from Employee e");
    query.setHint("javax.persistence.cache.storeMode", CacheStoreMode.REFRESH);
    Категория: Oracle DB administering | Добавил: basil (29.12.2015)
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