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    Приветствую Вас, Гость · RSS 06.02.2025, 18:39
    Главная » Статьи » Java

    Configuring JDBC pool on Weblogic

    So these are the values we proposed in our new standards, after many discussions and meetings with architects:

    • Select the MAX (Maximum Capacity)
    • Set the MIN (Minimum Capacity) to be at least half (50%) of MAX so that the connection pool cannot shrink below this value
    • Set the INIT (Initial Capacity) to be at least quarter (25%) of MAX. This is the initial number of connections created when the application server is started
    • Set the Shrink Frequency (Harvest Interval) to 1800 (30 minutes). This setting is critical in managing the frequency of disconnections.
    • Set Connection Creation Retry Frequency to 120 (2 minutes)
    • Set Test Frequency to 120 (2 minutes). This is to poll the database to test the connection. This defaults to “SELECT 1 FROM DUAL” which bypasses the buffer cache so it’s not bad.
    • Set Seconds to trust an Idle Pool Connection to 10.
    • Cache for prepared statements must be set to 20 or higher. Setting this higher should be discussed with your DBA. The total number of cached cursors would be the cache setting * number of connections in pool * number of servers in cluster. This should be set very carefully. That calulation equates to the number of open cursors allowed per session, so if it is set too low then cursors are repeatedly closed and opened. This leads to excessive hard parsing of SQL statements which can also lead to performance degradation. In fact “Bad Use of Cursors” is the number 2 point on the “Top Ten Mistakes” list, and it says that this has an order of magnitude impact in performance, and is totally unscalable.
    Категория: Java | Добавил: basil (08.10.2014)
    Просмотров: 577 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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