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    Приветствую Вас, Гость · RSS 09.05.2024, 08:16
    Главная » Статьи » Разное

    Tony Robbins and Gorbachev


    Mr Gorbachev, I appreciate the answer you gave me about what changed the world but I want the truth and he looked at me and I smiled and I said I want to know what really changed the world because I have this belief that what everybody looks for is the big thing that changes it all but what really changes things are little tiny things, little things make the big things possible. I said the big thing if obvious [the collapse of the Soviet economy?!?]… but I want to know what really made it possible and I said I got you for four hours, I’m going to get the answer…

    He finally tells me ok I’ll tell you what it was that ended the Cold War, the end of demonization. I said what does that mean? He said well we knew that you Americans had to be kept in check or you would destroy the world… and he said that we knew what you thought about us, the Evil Empire… the bottom line is that we knew you were the enemy and we knew you were evil… pushing people, hurting people as a force. What changed the world was when we stopped seeing you that way, when I stopped seeing you that way.

    And the moment? Gorby replies that ‘it happened through time’ but AR keeps pushing and suddenly inspired MG remembers the second for him that the mental log jam broke. It is almost pathetic in its simplicity but given the personalities involved absolutely convincing.

    The world changed the first time I had my first meeting with Ronald Reagan in Geneva [1985]… I will tell you the moment. We had been sitting for four hours arguing back and forth… What happened was that we were in this mad argument, worse and worse, going nowhere, all of a sudden this President Reagan stands up and says ‘this is not working’ with this weird look on this face and he says how about we start fresh? My name is Ron, may I call you Mikhail…. At that moment the world changed.  He was no evil, he was no horrible [sic], he was such a nice man.

    Категория: Разное | Добавил: basil (20.03.2016)
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